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If the best programmers are lazy, are the best architects cheap? I kid, but today, I'll share how this site is hosted for $12 a year.
My requirements were simple:
Static site generation (SSG) is all the rage and for good reason: pre-generated web pages are simple, fast, server and client resource efficient, and portable for hosting. I started with Next.js with Static HTML Export deploying to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. That checked the boxes for requirements 3 through 6, but 1 & 2 were going to be a bit more work, so I went looking for alternatives.
Jekyll may be the most popular SSG, and it's endorsed by GitHub, but I just wasn't excited about brushing up on Ruby programming. Then I discovered 11ty. It was just what I needed! Here are some of 11ty's highlights:
So that brings us to now: 11ty SSG, using GitHub Actions, deploying to GitHub Pages, hosted for free. Nice! You can check out the code for this site on https://github.com/karlmayer/karlmayer-dev; it's also open-source.
And the $12? That's just for the Google .dev domain name. I like that Google put .dev on the HSTS preload list — it's time to deprecate HTTP and go 'HTTPS only'.